As part of the Unitarian Universalist Association,
FUUF is a warm and welcoming community that accepts a
covenant and a set of principles, rather than a dogma, doctrine, or creed.
As a lay-led congregation, our leadership is made up of members
who have committed to act in alignment with both.
FUUF is a warm and welcoming community that accepts a
covenant and a set of principles, rather than a dogma, doctrine, or creed.
As a lay-led congregation, our leadership is made up of members
who have committed to act in alignment with both.
our purpose
The purpose of our Fellowship shall be the development and enrichment of human lives through service, study, fellowship, and inclusive spirituality; and to bring the love and grace of Unitarian Universalism to our people, our community and our world.
our leaders
Board of directorsOfficers:
President: Judy Plumery Vice-President: Lydia Swagerty Secretary: Ali Balter Treasurer: Sally Wantz Members at Large: Renea Deighton Jim Henry Christine Frances Rick Cote Katie Mueller |
Visiting ministersRev. Dr. Ruth L. Miller
Rev. Donna Smith Intern: UU Ministerial Chaplain Jesse Ford
team leadersBuilding Use: Debra Jordan
Facebook: Jim McDiarmid, Ray Plumery, Stanley, Judy Plumery Florence Outdoor Group (FOG): Debra Jordan FUUF Animal Ministry: Stanley Free Lunch Program: Karen Hernandez Membership: Judy Plumery Music: Jeff Lovejoy, Christine Frances Newsletter: Judy Plumery Pastoral Care: Rick Cote Events: Ruth Baumrucker Publicity: Jennifer French, Ruth Baumrucker Sunday Service Team: Sally Wantz Social Justice: John Raymonda, Jim McDiarmid, Jim Henry, Rick Cote Technology: [email protected] |
our covenant, principles & Bylaws
Covenant of Good and Faithful Relations
To my Fellow Congregants, I promise to:
May this Covenant be a well-respected touchstone, enriching our relationships and inspiring our efforts to build a better world. |
Seven Principles
Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. We live out these Principles within a “living tradition” of wisdom and spirituality, drawn from sources as diverse as science, poetry, scripture, and personal experience. As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.” This means that we affirm and promote the following:
Florence Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Bylaws
These bylaws were adopted on June 3rd, 2018 and revised February 24th, 2024 Link: bylaws 2024.pdf |
our community partners
FUUFers are generous in contributing their time, talent, and treasures to organizations throughout Florence. For over a decade FUUF has included a collection for nonprofit organizations along with our regular Sunday offerings.
- Florence Food Share
- KXCR Community Radio
- Humane Society
- Friends of Florence
- Cold Weather Shelter
- Senior Center Activity Center
Members of FUUF have long provided support for each other through the hard times. Our Pastoral Care Team offers listening, visits, and occasional transportation for members and "special friends" who are needing an extra hand.
Rick Cote leads the team, assisted by a few others - and is always open to receiving more help. |
FUUF Pastoral Care Information Booklet
Click on the image to download the most recent version as a pdf. |

Our Congregation was founded on October 28, 1998, by Gordon “Jay” Goodwin. Jay had placed an advertisement in the Siuslaw News calling for anyone who might be interested in Unitarian Universalism to meet in the library on that date. About a dozen people showed up.
For several years, the fellowship met in different living rooms, and sometimes in other churches, mostly in the evening with potlucks.
In June of 2004, FUUF was approved to join the Unitarian Universalist Association. Then, in July of 2007, we moved into our present location and began offering regular Sunday morning services as well as classes - and potlucks.
We continue to grow, and have a mailing list, our "circle of friends," of over 200 people, with an average attendance of about 40 on Sundays.
We record our Sunday programs and upload them onto our YouTube channel.